Ahhhh, spring has properly arrived here in NZ, and I have 2 recommendations, and 5 links to last week’s daily emails.
My Bottleneck Detective Bootcamp email course is live ! Go sign up now …
Recommendation 1 - How to Invent Everything by Ryan North.
This book is funny. And interesting. But I hope I never have to use it!
It’s an instruction manual for people whose time machines have broken down, meaning that they trapped in the distant past. The instructions teach you - in a humorous, and practical way - how to build a modern civilisation from scratch, and much faster than our ancestors did.
An eye-opener.
I’m dipping in and out of it, just for fun.
Recommendation 2 - Harbour Lights webcam
Very niche but our local council has just installed 2 webcams that overlook our local harbour (Nelson Haven). Here’s what it looked like last night:

And … this morning:

Last week’s daily posts