How come I can listen to hour after hour of podcasts ...
... but my mind drifts away whenever I listen to an audiobook?
But, look, ... if you like learning from podcasts, and want to get a great overview of Mithu Storoni's fantastic book, HyperEfficient, which I raved about a few weeks ago, go take a long, leisurely listen to this interview she did with Dr Rangan Chatterjee:
How To Master Your Brain’s 3 Gears, Improve Your Focus & Break Free from Stress | Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Today’s workplaces are rapidly evolving, and today’s guest believes we’re still clinging to outdated notions of productivity. Despite the shift from physical to knowledge-based work, many workplaces still prioritise quantity over quality and this is leading to stress and burnout for many employees. Dr Mithu Storoni is a University of…

It's good stuff.
Hope you're doing well!