Clarke Ching - Speaker, Author, Mentor.

Clarke Ching - Speaker, Author, Mentor.

Hi, I'm Clarke - the ‘bottleneck guy’. I help crazy-busy tech leaders debottleneck themselves and their teams. Productivity and profits soar, and everything calms down. And you - the hard working leader? You get your weekends back. Want to chat? Message me on or email me.

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The Wedge Strategy

The Wedge Strategy

One day Bree (our anonymised protagonist "big cheese" with the dad-joke name) reached breaking point. She asked for
clarke ching 2 min read
The Big Cheese

The Big Cheese

Yesterday I introduced “Clarke’s Law”: Most employees get stuck in jobs that don’t use their full potential. I
clarke ching 1 min read
4 minutes

4 minutes

I try to keep these emails short'n'snappy. So you can read them in < 2 minutes.
clarke ching

Clarke Ching - The Bottleneck Guy

I'm Clarke. I help busy bosses claw their weekends back.

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